Sunday, May 24, 2009

I Must Be Paranoid

Okay so this is my problem. Yes, once again i have YET another issue going on with my life. D-R-A-M-A.

So there is the cute boy who is in like every one of my classes and we have so much fun together. I really like him and i think that he might like me. WHAT SHOULD I DO??? because when i'm near a boy that i like i suddenly turn into this brain dead person, but when him and i talk and stuff im not like that. WHY????? also the boy also happens to be one of my frenimes Ex-Boyfriend. And when they broke up she took it pretty hard. what will happen with my friendship with her??? I NEED YOUR HELP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Also im planning on asking him to go to a movie with me sometime.

Xoxox Grace


  1. ooOOOOOOooooooooo who mite this young man be?

  2. that happens to everyone
    Are you a good actor? lol, think of it like this, you are not you, but someone else acting like you. You, you might not be so scared

    yea..that didnt make a whole lot o scence did it??

  3. Oh gracie. :)
    if you need to talk later, let me know!!! :)
